The LIFE baie de l'Aiguillon programme is devoted to the preservation, restoration and upgrading of coastal areas of European interest, including the restoration of mudflats within the Aiguillon Bay National Nature Reserve.
The LPO, together with the Office français de la biodiversité (National biodiversity authority) and the Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin, in partnership with the Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne (Water Supply Agency), Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (Ministry of Environment), DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Regional environmental authority), Comités Régionaux Conchylicoles des Pays de la Loire et Poitou-Charentes (Regional shellfish farming committees), CDC biodiversité (subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts for biodiversity), and Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Pays de la Loire counties, organised a 2-day event for meeting and exchanges about the shoreline restoration issue:
- The first day was dedicated to reviewing current knowledge about the role and functions of shorelines in a shellfish farming area, followed by French, European and American feedback dealing with restoration of estuarine areas;
- The second day was devoted to discovering by boat the area of mudflat restoration in the Aiguillon Bay. It was also the opportunity for the Regional Shellfish Committee to present their profession.
During the first day, 216 people attended the presentations, whether in person (93 people) or online (123) thanks to a live stream. The live broadcast made it possible to connect with people from several countries and continents: France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, United States, Canada and Tunisia.
On the second day, a boat trip enabled 50 people to discover the ongoing restoration operation in the Aiguillon Bay.